Read me first before applying!

If you want to join the Golden Division community, please apply here.
Posts: 6
Joined: 09 Aug 2024, 02:36
Location: Belgium

Read me first before applying!

Post by fANAT1C »

Hello to y'all!

You have probably come here to know how to join our community: Golden Division. There are some requirements, rules and guidelines to go by before handing out your application to us.

You need to have atleast 20 000 XP points on our frag server or comparable experience on our trickjump server.

Below I will list the information we would like to have from you. Please create a new topic when applying.

Basic Information
  • Your name:
    (Tell us your real name, just your first name is enough.
  • Nickname ingame:
    (Your name when playing on our servers or other games)
  • Your age (min. age = 16):
    (How old are you?)
  • Nationality:
    (What country are you from/do you live in?)
  • Email Address:
    (Your email address)
Gaming Background
  • Primary Gaming Platforms:
    (Which platforms do you primarily play on? (i.e.: PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch,...)
  • Favorite Games/Genres:
    (List your favorite games or genres you enjoy the most.)
  • How many hours per week do you spend gaming:
    (An estimate is fine.)
Community Engagement
  • How did you hear about our community:
    (Friend, social media, website, search engine,...)
  • What are you looking to get out of joining us:
    (Meeting new players, finding teammates, learning more about games,...)
  • Are you currently a member of any other gaming communities, if yes, which ones:
  • Have you participated in any gaming tournaments or events:
    (Tell us about any notable experiences, if applicable.)
Technical Skills (Optional)
  • Do you have any skills that could benefit our community:
    (For example, graphic design, content creation, moderation,...)
  • Would you be interested in volunteering for any community roles:
    • Moderator
    • Content Creator
    • Event Organizer
    • Other (please specify)
Final Thoughts
  • Is there anything else you'd like us to know:
    (Any additional comments or information you'd like to provide.)

By submitting this form, you confirm that the information provided is accurate and truthful.
  • I agree
Kind regards